Sunday, February 25, 2007

Up North and Snow!!!

Last weekend Oscar and I went to visit my family in Northern Minnesota. We had fun with the boys - they have lots of energy, and Oscar gets so excited around them. We played Twister - I haven't played that in such a long time - and those boys beat me every time. As you can see in the picture, Dylan even shared his beloved blanket, yellow, with Oscar to snuggle with, what a generous boy.
I went through mom & dad's old records last weekend too. I am anxiously awaiting the record player they will bring me when it is finally fixed. I got some good music that I'm excited to hear - Johnny Cash, Simon & Garfunkel, the Rolling Stones, I passed on the Captain and Tennile and the old Finnish sing-alongs from Sylvia, but it will be fun to have Grandma's old player here soon.

This weekend, we are in the midst of a major snowstorm, and as the pictures show that the snow is pretty deep for Oscar. He has to jump to get around in the snow. He loves it though, and he is now snoozing next to me, tired out from our walks today.

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